2023 Accountability FAQs

  • If a campus isn't rated in a domain, how does this affect district ratings?

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    If a campus is not rated in a domain, the weights are determined by only those campuses with a domain rating.  For example, a campus can have a weighted contribution to domain one and two, but not be part of the domain three weighted average if they were only rated in domains one and two and not rated in domain three.  

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  • How do I calculate my district rating?

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    District domain ratings are calculated using a proportionality method.  This methodology only considers campus enrollment counts for grades 3-12, excludes Not Rated and paired campuses, is applied to each domain, and includes campuses evaluated under alternative education accountability.  Step 1: Determine the number of students enrolled in grades 3-12 at the district at each campus in the TSDS-PEIMS October Snapshot.  Step 2: Sum the number of students enrolled in grades 3-12 at the district.  Step 3: Divide the number of grades 3-12 students at the campus by the district total.  The resulting percentage is the weight that each campus contributes to the district domain score.  Step 4: Multiply the campus domain scaled score b its weight to determine the points. Step 5: Sum the points for all campuses to determine the district's domain score.  Step 6:  Once you have all the domain scores, calculate the rating using the methodology of 70% of the highest of the Student Achievement or School Progress domain score and 30% of the Closing the Gaps domain score. **See the 2023 Accountability Manual on pages 54-55 for limits on overall ratings based on domain scores. 

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