Texas Strategic Leadership




    The vision of the Texas Strategic Leadership (TSL) program is to build district leadership capacity to align district systems toward high impact strategies that drive student outcomes.

    TSL utilizes the Effective District Framework to ensure student outcomes are driven by a rigorous, supportive student experience that is delivered at the campus-level, requires aligned campus-level systems that are driven and supported by aligned district-level systems. (Pilot Overview Document)

    School Districts participating in the TSL Pilot will partner with TSL Executive Coaches and TSL Performance Management Specialists to develop:

    • Landscape Analysis that takes a picture in time of the current state of the district.
    • A Strategic Plan with prioritized strategies to implement and monitor over a three to five year period.
    • A system of aligned processes to enhance the student experience and performance manage the systems and prioritized strategies.
    • Stakeholder engagement tools to develop a district approved student experience. 

    Core Ideas of Systems Leadership and Alignment:

    • To lead an institution, you must understand the institution.  District leaders will first need to see their present system to lead towards the envisioned student experience.
    • Student outcomes are driven by a rigorous, enriching student experience.  District leaders will "backward design" and align all critical systems to their envisioned student experience.
    • Systems alignment drives the student experience to come to fruition.  The student experience is delivered at the campus-level, which requires aligned campus-level systems, which are driven and supported by aligned district-level systems.

    Principles for Effective District Planning:

    • We must center on the student experience.
    • We must think and align at the systems level.
    • We must ruthlessly prioritize our biggest bets.
    • We must engage and invest in our stakeholders.
    • We must continuously performance manage.


    Statewide Map of Participating Districts and Education Service Centers

    Year One

    Year Two

    Statewide Map


  • "Great leaders are those who trust their gut. They are those who understand the art before the science.  They win hearts before mindsets. They are the ones who start with the WHY."

    Simon Sinek  - Start with Why