•  MTSS Overview


    Tiered Interventions Using Evidence-Based Research, or TIER, is a project funded by the Texas Education Agency. Our goal is to provide educators, caregivers, and other educational stakeholders with the knowledge and materials to ensure appropriate implementation of a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) in every school across Texas. TIER involves campus-wide interventions and student-centered interventions. Some of these interventions are practices educators might have been called: Response to Intervention or  Positive Behavior Supports Initiatives (PBIS). Region 15 works to  align these principles to provide training in various support systems for students with academic and behavioral needs in hopes to address those needs before a special education referral is made. However, some students who may have a disability should be referred for a full and individual evaluation for special education services. States and LEA's  have an obligation and requirement under federal law (34 CFR § 300.111 Child Find) to see that evaluations of children suspected of having a disability are not delayed or denied because of a school's RtI strategy. 


    Please visit our TIER network website which includes modules on: communicates, leadership, academic, culturally and linguistically responsive practices, decision making, screening, progress monitoring, mental health, and behavior support. 

    Region 15 can provide training on the following resources that align at various levels with MTSS practices: Campus Wide Positive Behavior Supports Initiatives, Crisis Prevention Intervention Supports, and Acadmic Planning Supports. 


    The Texas Behavior Support Initiative (TBSI) is a state-level training that meets the requirements mandated by Texas Education Code §37.0021 and Texas Administrative Code §89.1053. TBSI provides foundational knowledge for the use of positive behavior interventions and supports for all students, including students with disabilities. While the TBSI training meets legislative requirements related to procedures for the use of restraint and time-out, it also provides a framework for sharing a wide range of foundational-level behavior strategies and prevention-based schoolwide, classroom, and individual interventions. Region 15 recommends staff that support  students that have or might have challenging behaviors, complete this course yearly.

    TBSI Online Course